Mai Titi Apologises But Continues Accusing Husband
7 August 2022
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By Showbiz Reporter | The controversial ZANU PF activist Mai Titi on Saturday dropped an apology to Zimbabweans over her embarrassing relationship with her husband which has seen her pile of numerous accusations against Tinashe Maphosa.

The development comes at a time when Felistas Murata was struggling to handle her humiliation.

It all started last year when Mai Titi was dating a US based man only identified as ‘Shepherd,’ and was looking for a US visa, and the latter applied for her visitors permit. After this, Mai Titi told Shepherd she now has a visa, and the man said, no wait, this is not the right time. At this moment, Mai Titi announced she is carrying Shepherd’s pregnancy, but he didn’t have money for the ticket.

Shepherd’s sister purchased a plane ticket for her.

Upon arriving in the US, Mai Titi had a misunderstanding with the man and she moved out and changed relationships. She started dating Tinashe Maphosa.

At one time, Tinashe caught the woman talking with Shepherd over the phone and he was not happy with her.

After 3 weeks of starting a relationship with Tinashe, she swiftly got married with him.

She then afterwards, flew to Zimbabwe, and there was plan to get customarily married in Zimbabwe. He followed her to Zim for the lobola ceremony. After the lobola, Tinashe flew to Zimbabwe 3 months later for the wedding. Mai Titi prepared the whole wedding, according to her claim.

Mai Titi now accuses Tinashe of using her own money to get married, and most of the lobola, she scoffs at him saying he borrowed most of the lobola money. She spends hours filming herself on Facebook live making spectacle of him that he is not man enough to use his own money, most of it was borrowed.

Mai Titi says the wedding cost USD100,000 and from it she is claiming USD50,000. These claims have caused a misunderstanding.

Mai Titi has been going to different online platforms making several allegations such as that:

  1. Tinashe raped her many times; and that he even raped her during her menstruation.
  2. Tinashe Maphosa wanted to stab her with a kitchen knife.
  3. Tinashe Maphosa owes her USD50,000 from the wedding expenses.


Mai Titi announced saying she is now a mission to destroy Tinashe Maphosa. She complains saying she was blocked from entering the US embassy when she tried to enter so she can report him to the ambassador. She launched a hashtag titled, #Tinashemustfall.

Speaking to ZimEye, Mr Maphosa answered explaining why he had to record audio conversations with his wife, saying he had discovered that she lies.

As we prepare for the grand interview, ZimEye presents the audios of Tinashe with Mai Titi’s UK based aunt, only known as, Mildred.


“I want to take this time to apologize to all my dear fans who have been with me and for me from the beginning till now.

“I’m not perfect because I’m only human thts why you see each time when provoked I go to the extreme with my anger.

“I don’t know how to control my anger and I end up saying things I do not want to expose ending up exposing myself in the process.
I’m someone who builds other people be it business, charity work, assisting people etc. I even counsel other people s marital problems and I do not encourage divorce or women to disrespect their husbands, yet I’m not in a perfect marriage myself but I never tell people do as I do but I always say do as I say . I’m judged a lot because I’m outspoken and all my life I defend myself and my defense is very brutal at some point it alway leave people thinking I’m always wrong because I lose control.
I’m not going to justify myself because i know sometimes I go overboard with my emotions and can’t take everything I say back .
The story that is so trending about my marriage has been twisted in a lot of ways now people are divided and have their opinions about the truth that nobody really knows till now . I have been trying to shut up but my husband kept poking me and started this war on social media. I never meant to come and wash my dirty linen in public because I respected this marriage because it took a lot from me and I sacrificed a lot for it to stand . I curse myself now , regrett why I did not leave when I had the chance but honestly you will never understand how I will be made to believe it will work.

“I ve been really deep about things wich were meant to be swept under the carpet but because of the pressure I couldn’t hold it anymore. Of course as usual I’m blamed for everything that happens to me but Godknows I try and I truly give my all in trying to make things work. My heart is too big and too tolerating it always lands me to regret. So many things I regrett right now but also so many things I learned because we learn from every mistake we make

“This story that everyone wants a piece of is already out but the truth is still not out . I’m in a position were even I keep quiet it’s too late but rather let me say the truth so it sets me free . In the meantime I can only say people are entitled to their own opinions so I can’t oppose anything at the moment. Just like my husband is gathering things to ruin what I have worked for I’m also gathering everything from the beginning to the end . As it stands he sent summons to shut me up but I will not be silenced by someone who brought our marriage issues on social media whilst I was trying to protect it knowing how it was going to blow .
That brings me back to when you start a war do not now expect the other to sit back whilst you punch them anyhow. I had told him to stop doing all he s doing but he knows social media is were my bread is battered and he wants to ruin everything for me.

“He knows that’s were people trend by insulting me hence he s everywhere trying to make sure brings me to my knees.

“I’m still going to come out and say everything because the dirty linen has already been washed a quarter of it.

“If he was a true man he would come and talk things out but he decided to take it to my workplace wich is a no go area. I ve worked so hard for my brand for someone to just come and take the last breath of me . This will be one of the numerous mistakes I made but certainly I won’t allow it to finish me off.

“I apologize to everyone who have been affected by this situation but ey life is a jungle either you eat or you be eaten .
Coming soon ? “