Mai Titi, Olinda Wedding Gowns Divide Social Media
5 July 2022
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Social media users are torn between controversial socialites Felistas Murata and Olinda Chapel’s wedding gowns, escalating their long standing feud that has also dragged their partners.

The debate started after pictures and videos of Olinda Chapel’s wedding to musician Tytan Nkomo started making rounds on social media.

Some mocked Olinda’s choice of wedding gown while some went to the extend of body shaming the United Kingdom based businesswoman.

The mockery soon turned viral after some started comparing with Mai Titi’s wedding to United States based Tinashe Maphosa.

Mai Titi could not be left out as she also flaunted her wedding images just to spike Olinda and her fans.

I have never seen anything like this ??? …this is top notch wedding ❤❤chakanaka chakanaka mukaka haurungwe … Olinda Chapel Mr and Mrs Nkomo congratulations.

It was a beautiful wedding! Usisu ana James Bond & Miss Moneypenny certainly had fun.

Congrats once again to ambhuya vandu Olinda naTsano Tytan#OneLove✌??❤ (Music credit: Gango by Freeman)

Caroline Mujeyi Nyakudya: We where on Fireeeeee girls.. …..let’s do this again soon ….so proud of you Olinda Chapel-Nkomo and Tytan Skhokho we had an awesome time ……may the lord bless you as you continue your life together ..????

Wellence Mujuru: Once again Olinda Chapel Congratulations Mai Nandi on your wedding celebration and ceremony! Love is such a beautiful experience and once found should be cherished and celebrated, YOU have shared your marriage journey with us and we keep celebrating your Union with Tytan Nkomo. I wish you many more years in your union filled with happiness and more love !