Responding To Auxillia Mnangagwa’s Blackmail Claim | FULL TEXT
15 May 2022
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By Simba Chikanza | A story was published in the state run Herald newspaper in which Emmerson Mnangagwa’s wife, Auxillia made allegations against my work.

Simba Chikanza

I respond to her allegations in the following briefer:

For the record: this was NOT an off record, in fact the FL called me via video herself on the official newsdesk phone.
2ndly, she broke trust by threatening me during the interview.

Auxillia Mnangagwa’s press statement

3rdly, there has never been any trust between her and the media since the coup, no one has ever been allowed to critique her.

4thly, I did not threaten Mrs Auxillia Mnangagwa other than informing her of what is inevitable, as it is standard practice to notify a source of the deadline before a story is published so they can ensure they have contributed fully. Unfortunately Twitter character space doesn’t allow for all these words to be typed.

5thly, Mrs Mnangagwa knows well the issues at stake are beyond the single one that she cites. They, as the video reveal, also relate to one of armed robbers she has deployed to strategic national positions which placings now endanger the security of millions of Zimbabweans.

6thly, Mrs Mnangagwa also knowing well that the matter at stake is the ongoing looting of millions of USD’s of Harare ratepayer money, is just being unprofessional and I contend, downright criminal

7thly, my mention of Auxillia’s house was no threat but just a stating of the conclusions the public will reach when they notice that her claim that she ‘sells tomatoes for a living’, totally contradicts the 24 karat golden chair she is sitting on. The video shows jewellery and other expensive things in the interior of the house, which thing threatens her image as an honest person. I follow the rule that you have to seek to protect your source’s dignity and wellbeing, before your own.

Simba Chikanza