Come 2023 Mnangagwa Will Be A Pensioner- President Chamisa
15 August 2022
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Tinashe Sambiri|The Zanu PF leader Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa will be a pensioner after losing the 2023 Presidential Election, CCC leader President Nelson Chamisa has said.

President Chamisa made the remarks at Mucheke Stadium on Sunday.

The CCC leader addressed a capacity crowd at a Thank You Rally in the ancient city of Masvingo.

Said President Chamisa:
“Mnangagwa is feeling the heat and he has admitted CCC is too strong for him to handle.

Soldiers, CIOs and police belong to the State, not Zanu PF.Let’s register to vote in numbers.

Mnangagwa will be a pensioner come 2023.
We are very alert , they will not steal the coming elections.
They want to provoke us we are aware of their tactics.”

President Chamisa also scoffed at Zanu-PF party claims that he was behind sensational allegations by Australia-based Zimbabwean Susani Mutami who claimed to have been raped as a minor by President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

“Mvura ikasanaya ndiChamisa, uya musikana weku Australia (Susan Mutami) hameno zvaaitaura achiti ndakanzwai nanhingi, ndikanzwa zvonzi ndiChamisa, ini ndodongorera muchiita zvinhu zvenyu ndaivapo ini? Ndingasaita shohwera? (If it doesn’t rain they blame Chamisa; now this lady in Australia says she was abused by so and so … and they blame Chamisa)” President Chamisa said.