By A Correspondent | ANALYSIS | ZimEye | The Susan Mutami rape case story is a huge development… but it’s even greater than people think, because it’s not just rape that Mutami is communicating – There is something further. She’s sending a signal as a modern Nehanda Nyakasikana for the purpose of achieving regime change. She is an invention of the ZANU PF inner core to bring Emmerson Mnangagwa’s tenure to a quick end. For over 126 years in Zimbabwe, every time the establishment has moved to change the regime, a vocal woman is used for the purpose.
In the 60s, the freedom fighters re-created a figure called Nehanda Nyakasikana, who is the 19 century incarnate of the first Nehanda, a woman who led the Shonas from Tanzania while riding a lion cub, as the ancient story says. The Nehanda spirit inspired the fighters through to independence from Britain in 1980.
In 2014, ZANU PF reinvented Nehanda again, this time in the face of the late president Robert Mugabe’s wife, Grace, and she was used to help end the Joice Mujuri Vice Presidency so that Emmerson Mnangagwa can take over and eventually conduct a coup. Grace Mugabe even publicly boasted that she is Nehanda herself.
This time, the Nehanda agent, is the well known Zimbabwe state operative, Susan Mutami who has for years dated the sanctioned former CIO minister Owen ‘Mudha’ Ncube. Mudha is famous for leading machete gangs across the country and also running the entire Central Intelligence Organisation, CIO apparatus. Mutami even announces she has named one of her sons, Owen, and a perusal of her Twitter account shows that she only started complaints against Emmerson Mnangagwa hours after Mudha’s was fired from his cabinet post in January 2022.
Just like the previous Nehandas, Mutami is a fiery force for a cause, and this time it is one campaigning against child rape. The move according to international lawyers will see Mnangagwa criminalised so that the grounds of impeachment can be assembled. ZANU PF is planning to remove Mnangagwa before 2023 elections, a move that’s set to destroy the opposition Nelson Chamisa’s chances of ever attaining state power. The latter party has committed the biggest mistake of confining its methods to a mere election. Chamisa is concentrating on building human numbers, while the ZANU PF inner core, spends time assembling ideas for regime change that are more realistic.