By A Correspondent- A seventh year medical student who was four months away from graduation has died.
Brighton Chipo Ng’andu who was in his final year at the University of Zambia died after a short illness.
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A medical student identified as Brighton Chipo Ng’andu has died during his final year in University.
Mr Ng’andu who was doing his 7 year doctorate medical studies at University of Zambia (UNZA) died in his final year(2022) earlier today after a short illness.
His family sacrificed everything for him during his 7 year medical studies but death came at a wrong hour.
“The only doctor we had in our family has died after good 7 years of hard work and sacrifice..You were just remaning with only 4 months to your graduation,but death has robbed us of you….Why why why?..”,one of his relatives stated.