By Showbiz Reporter | Controversial preacher, Panganai Java has announced that one of his friends Obert Karombe has died in an accident with an army truck.
The ZANU PF activist spoke glowingly of the man said to be a rich mbinga saying he is his good friend.
7 months ago, Java announced him as the last Zimbabwean mbinga in South Africa. Mbingas are people who reveal sudden riches obtained from criminal sources after engaging in Satanic rituals.
The accident happened along Beatrice Road and it was a head on collision with the army truck. Details trickling in suggest that the army lost control and swerved into his lane causing the crash.
Obert, who was referred to as a ‘mbinga’, had recently engaged for marriage, one Kumbirai Ellen Bosha, fondly known as African Goddess.
He is survived by his wife and 2 children.