By Staff Correspondent | ZimEye | As he faces arrest over failure to pay maintenance money since April this year, the COSAFA President, Phillip Chiyangwa has turned to abuse his 14 year old son threatening to imprison the lad to punish him for asking for school fees; and does he have such powers?
In the leaked audio, which ZimEye transcribes below, he also announces he will get the mother arrested and killed the moment she lands in Zimbabwe.

The fees for two boys, the teen and his 8 year old brother have not been paid since April 2021, and after being requested, Chiyangwa begins abusing the boy, the latter who stands his ground against bricks of vulgarities and later on, the young man literally floors his 62 year old father.
During the abusive 10 minutes, Chiyangwa even labels his son a thief, over the lad’s request for the son’s Bluffhill house built wholly by the mother to be sold in order to pay fees.
(Chiyangwa who owns 72 properties across Zimbabwe, continues to quarrel with his son calling the lad and mother thieves while admitting his only investment is a paltry $5,000 for the land).
Below is a transcript of the leaked audio:
PC: You have committed a crime.
SON: Which crime?
PC: The one of selling the stand.
SON: That’s not a crime.
PC: If it’s not a crime wait until you find your mother in prison.
SON: Prison for what?
PC: Stealing a stand
SON: She didn’t steal a stand. And it’s not sold
PC: Oh okay, keep talking like that what was your desire to go to court? Why did you go to court to get a declaratory order on stand? Why would you and your mother spend so much energy?
SON: Right right but you don’t have the power you don’t have the power to arrest someone,
PC: I have reported this case.
SC: Pardon
PC: I’ve caught a thief.
SON: No.
PC: I caught a thief.
SON: No. My mother is not a thief
PC: That property is my property that one, until you’re 18.
SON: It’s in my name so legally it’s my property.
PC: All the powers about it it’s ownership is me.
PC:I am the only person who can say it can be sold not your mother. Your mother has got absolutely nothing to do with this property (Child’s mother is the one who built the house).
SON: But that property you didn’t build it; and you are not our guardian.
PC: All my children have got stands. You are not the only child and you are the worst of all my children, so all my children have got properties there; all my children have got properties there.
SON: And please we are not the worst don’t call us the worst. You are the most idiotic who calls me about stupid things concerning a mother.
PC: You are the worst ever child who should be calling me. If I had a way of stopping you from calling me that’s what I want. You see? And I’m sure it will come when you are 18 you will not be allowed to call me. In fact I will give a court order to ensure that you’re not allowed near me.
SON: Alright, but we are buying a house in SA and fees is not stupid.
PC: Yah, everything is idiotic, everything about yourselves, your mother has already walked away from this, I don’t know why you are back on this again, you know what I mean? When thieves are cornered; do you know what they do?
SON: What thieves are you talking about?
PC: You’re thieves.
SON: We are not thieves and don’t call us stupid, what kind of a father are you?
PC: I say bastards, you know. You should never call this number.
SON: We are not bastards don’t call us that.
PC: You’re are bastards,
SON: No we’re not.
PC: Yah, don’t call this number. Don’t call my number, yeah, what the fuck? I’m not your father, I don’t know you. Don’t call this number. Why would you call me?
SON: Ok so then if you’re not our father then stop going to court for custody.
PC: I am not asking for custody I’m not asking for anything; I just want you to fuck off, stay away from me but anyone who comes near me I will lock them, I will get them locked up, because you are thieves.
SON: We are not thieves what did we do?
PC: I am not going stop f me around. Don’t call me; stay away from me. Our peace is keep your border I keep my border. But don’t call. Don’t think of me, I don’t need you; I don’t need you I seriously don’t need you even when I am ill, what do I need you for? What do I need you for, you [FIRST NAME]
What for?
PC: Why would you seriously say I want my father, I want my father? Stay with your mother don’t call this number don’t ever scratch your phone and dial this number; do you hear? Phone your mother’s relatives stay there don’t call me. You hear? Stay there, don’t call me. You have no connection here to Chiyangwa himself.
Change your number; go with your mother to a lawyer there and change your surname. Don’t use my surname. I don’t want you to use my surname. I don’t want you to use my surname.
SON: Alright keep your borders there we’ll go to court for that.
PC: Exactly.
SON: We’ll use that to look after ourselves.
PC: We are in court already so don’t waste time the only thing that’s left is for your mother to be arrested. She was silly.
SON: Arrested for what?
PC: She’s sworn on an affidavit that she bought, where is the agreement letter signed with your mother?
SON: Yes, but I have been saying the property has not been sold.
PC: I said she wants to court to say she bought it. From who? She wants to go to court to say she bought it from who? Why would you lie yourself when I ask you and I say you called me you called me then when there is a record that you called, why would you say that you didn’t call me? Who called who today? Have I ever been looking for you? Why would you call me today. What for?
SON: There’s an agreement for the house, stop lying about the house.
PC: Why would you call me?
SON: We are just asking for fees that’s it. If you can pay my fees then mum can pay [YOUNG BROTHER -NAME WITHHELD’s fees.
PC: I don’t want to talk to you; your mother and I … we ended our relationship a long time ago. Your mother is your Guardian. Stop at your mother don’t call me please. You especially you I don’t want to talk to you. Especially you if you call you make it worse.
SON: You make it worse how?
PC: It’s because i don’t like you.
SON: The moment I know it’s you then I don’t like you I don’t need you; you are just this square of a person; I don’t need you; go on with your life to your mother.
SON: Okay, so if you are not our guardian, then she’s our guardian, so she can sell the house,
PC: When you left Zimbabwe going to South Africa did I give you a letter saying go to South Africa? To who?
SON: Okay but then you are not; you said you’re not our guardian. So she is our guardian so she can sell the house.
PC: Iwe (hey you) don’t say she can sell, she can sell, she can sell what belongs to her; Let her sell what belongs to her.
SON: But you’re not our Guardian yourself.
PC: May I say something: that’s very good, but she doesn’t own the land. Okay, so she can sell whatsoever she wants to sell, but she cannot sell my land.
SON: Okay then we will go on with our lives.
PC: Whatever I sweated for in my life is nothing to do with [CHILD’S MOTHER NAME WITHELD]
SON: But she built the house so it belongs to her.
PC: There is no house and nobody will hear your story; man you think I haven’t been there? You see?; You think I haven’t been there?
This is just plain down straight criminal your mother has paraded her life harassing me.
SON: She will never be arrested.
PC: Thank you very much so let her come here and demonstrate that she is around.
SON: Alright. But you said you you want to get her arrested you can’t arrest her for a lie because you are lying.
PC: So she is not selling the house, she lied that she bought the land, that’s up to her and me.
PC: Iwe (hey you NAME WITHHELD) I have finished. You and your mother I don’t want to have anything to do with you you…
SON: Yeah, you can leave my mother alone now, it’s like you have a personal hate against someone who doesn’t even worry about you.
PC: Your mother and you are causing me problems your mother sent me audios, that are a record that she will not be in touch with me again until she is dead, eeh and so forth.
SON: She hasn’t been in touch with you though.
PC: I’ve got the audios, so you keep arguing with yourself I am simply asking you; Can you stop texting and contacting me.
SON: So then can you leave her alone, stop lying about her.
PC: I am not even, I never called you I never called her. You are the one entering my territory can you stop please, yeah. – ZimEye