…7 Months Running (review)…
ANALYSIS | “If we thought it’s not possible for a person to sacrifice his wife for powers so their church grows, that’s what Chiwenga did. If he wants to deny that, I’ll download everything that’s happened in his face,” Talent Chiwenga’s mother in law alleged as the accused defended self saying,” God will vindicate me.”
The damning allegations were made over 7 months ago and have seen the preacher respond saying God will vindicate him, and then threatening her to retract the statement failure which he will institute legal action within 4 weeks. What happened after the mother in law defied the threats and continued boldly speaking?
When ‘Apostle’ Talent Chiwenga was challenged concerning alleged adultery by his own mother in law, he unleashed lawyers using fake threats after his late wife’s mother, and a ZimEye columnist, Howard Nyoni, the legal summons which are below…

as also revealed by Howard Nyoni, shortly before CHIWENGA deployed a British ‘Law firm’, through summons which claimed Nyoni is a former church adherent who is now disgruntled. (Nyoni is a veteran analyst who for years has participated in successful prosecution of church sex predators in UK and Zimbabwe),
Talent Chiwenga also began claiming Howard Nyoni is a disgruntled former member of his cult, JRM- Jesus Revelation Ministries, when such a thing has never happened. Nyoni was a panelist in a news discussion with Chiwenga in Nov 2017, during the times Talent Chiwenga was seeking publicity through the news network.


One of the young girls Talent Chiwenga raped is his own wife’s younger sister, Tariro Mafuka (+27 62 583 1***, we release the number as there is a criminal investigation for murder), he later secretly married more than 3 years before the accident that killed his wife, Rejoice. He would after that date, secretly drive her back to Zimbabwe from South Africa where she has been since the secret marriage, years before.
Sought for a comment over the last 3 years, Talent Chiwenga has declined responding only to resort to video streams on his church portal where he has constantly avoided the issue of his sex attacks against women and his overspeeding in Masvingo road which killed his wife, Rejoice.
In his first accident, in which he has accused Emmerson Mnangagwa, he was rescued by a top notorious ZANU PF he calls a good Samaritan, Mr Seviyas Piki, and in the 2nd one, he was rescued by an unnamed driver in a white vehicle that quickly whisked him away from the accident scene.
Meanwhile, Chiwenga says he has suffered assassination attempts in the last two accidents which have happened between 2019 and 2020.
The below is a full compilation of Talent Chiwenga’s own words between June and November 2019 speaking on LIVE camera giving details on his allegations.
In his own video, recorded inside hospital less than a day after the accident, the preacher loudly says that he was speeding (in a 60km speed limit zone) at 120 kmeters per hour and he even wanted to accelerate beyond 120km for no other reason other than to rush to Harare and purchase a new fan belt for his car. No one was chasing after him. He then collided with an oncoming haulage truck and three people died as a result of the collision (accident video below).
Speaking during a church service, Talent Chiwenga said, ” I had a friend in Eugene Kanyuchi. I am sure many of you you know him. He served me in the work of Christ in the protocol department. And I had Mai Vhurumuko, and I think you all know her, you all knew her. VIDEO ( The story continues below)…
“I faced death with those 2 people for as long as they were in the ministry. A week before we drove to South Africa I sat down with both of them and I said to them- you are following me everywhere I am going, I am in danger because in those three weeks before the accident we had a lot of incidents where death threats continued to come.
“I am sure you still remember at First Street when there was a message that came: run away they are going to come to kill you. And I said I am not going to run. Because I cannot run away from death death is something that nobody can run away from. So I sat with her husband and Mai Vhurumuku, and Baba Vhurumuku is not here, he works outside the country, and I told them there is death that is imminent; we knew about it it, we wrote a letter to president Emmerson Mnangagwa.
“And I told them that I was going to deliver that letter. The two of them, they volunteered to go with me, and I said if I don’t come back what happens to you?
“They said we will then not come back all of us. Vari vaviri, Baba Kanyuchi naMai Vhurumuku, ndaiti ndakavaudza kuti Vhangeri iyi ine vavengi vakawanda, ichasvika panguva yekuti tichafanirwa kuifira, vaiti, ” we are ready to die for the gospel.”
“Hapana anga aine rwendo rwekuenda kuSouth Africa pahu two hwavo. They volunteered to go with me. Three times in South Africa Thursday, Friday and Saturday, I saw a vision somebody was pointing a gun at me and I was being shot. And I was dying in that vision and then I was seeing myself dying when I was standing on the other side, and I told Baba Kanyuchi, I told Mai Chiwenga, this is what is going to happen, I am not comfortable something is about to happen. And they said let the will of the lord prevail.
“Our greatest challenge is when that time comes in our lives are we going to be holding our faith like they did? That is why we cannot count their departure, as a loss, it is not them that lost, it is us who lost. We lost an opportunity to go in good time, murikundinzwa here vadikani? Takashaiwa mukana wekuenda, zvichakanaka. So I just want to remind you that the people that do not believe do not understand their level, their carnal level, their corruptible level, their crooked level, we know what you are aiming for, we know the Lord, we know the Lord is coming. We know we shall be vindicated. We know we shall be justified. We know the gospel is going to go on. We know nobody is going to stop the gospel. We know nothing is going to stop the gospel.
“Not even the murderers, not even the politicians. Not even the CIO, not even the army, they will not stop this gospel. They can kill me today but they can’t kill the gospel.
“Tell your neighbour: they can kill me today but they can’t kill the gospel. The gospel cannot be killed because not even a bullet can reach close to the gospel. It is spiritual it is not physical.
“The AK47 kana CZ Pistol, inogona kuuraya nyama, asi mweya haigone kuuraya. So we just want to observe a moment of silence, but I want us us to first of all read this whole passage, in Phillipians chapter 1, let me read it up to verse 30. And then we observed a moment of silence to remind ourselves that there is a burden that lies squarely on our shoulders, to uphold the faith and to the very end, like our comrades did. They are our comrades, they are our heroes. They are heroes of faith, they stood firm for the gospel, and we have got to do the same. If we walk away from the faith, we are disappointing them. Hallelujah, Jesus is counting on us to stand firm unto the very end. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.”
What happened after the mother in law defied the threats and continued boldly speaking? Nothing happened to her, and the legal papers were never actioned.