By Farai D Hove | It never rains but pours for the man who betrayed President Robert Mugabe, George Charamba who yesterday publicly shared a video that nakedly displays his new boss, Emmerson Mnangagwa for transforming members of the public into bus passengers, in contrast to the Ian Smith style in which blacks were raised to multi millionaire status so they can own whole bus fleet companies.
Charamba publicly distributed the below video (transcript) in which a man, believed to be his agent, pleads with the masses to join his party ZANU PF on the basis of a few hundred ZUPCO buses.
The unnamed agent is heard even admitting to doubts on ZANU PF’s existence in 2021. The man screams out while trying to convince the public that his party is not dead.
“The party is still there; we are still in need of people,” says the man.
He says in full:
My guys, my guys, Cde ED is a Chibaba. These ZUPCO buses which are entering the Beitbridge Border Post, live and direct not this thing of hearing from Harare on Facebook and WhatsApp, lying to each other with the boys from Chinja.
Come to the real party with action that has got power and people, the one that fulfills the desires of the people, the one that belongs to Cde Mnangagwa who fulfills all the needs of the people. Look at these buses that are being fuelled right now, Bvupfuwo Checheche, there are so many of them entering the border. They are coming, all these are now receiving diesel on their way to Harare.
You will be boarding these buses tomorrow you Chamisa, courtesy of Cde ED Mnangagwa. Isn’t this sweet, what do you call this great accomplishment? Look at this; what else would do you want? Even you yourself when you are being deceived by these boys who are worthless, these are the buses that are getting diesel. This is Bvupfuwe, they are so countless these buses, this is ZUPCO-transport for the people that is cheap. They are so countless and this is the first batch that is coming in, there are more than 30 buses that I hear but more than 200 others, in the border, right now.
Up with ED Mnangagwa. This thing of your madness, lying to each other. The party is still there; we are still in need of people, the pockets of Zanu-PF will never be full, all the people come and support the party, look at these buses. Checheche Zupcos that are coming in here, you’ll be boarding them all the way to Harare for free. The country being fixed, the border is being fixed, the country becoming so sweet to the tap tap sound; while Hwange Power station the electricity is being fixed, so that they are sweet; Not this thing that you spend time lying to each other, with Chamisa, these boys who travelled to America to beg for sanctions on their own; to board a plane to go to America to beg for sanctions, so that people can suffer. Look at these are the buses here, they are waiting for each other so that they become a convoy so that they can travel in batches, look at these buses, so that they can travel in batches; so that they can travel to Harare-free public transport, courtesy of His Excellency Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa.