By Dr Masimba Mavaza.| On the 6th March 2021 one of the brightest lights in the Zimbabwean legal fraternity, Mr Morgen Nemadire was switched off.

But the sun has not set on the Nemadire’s alone, Zimbabweans also mourn this gallant son of the soil.
The elephant has fallen; the legal guru has departed.
The late Morgan Nemadire passed on at Wilkins Hospital from Complications with breathing.
His departure has shaken the nation and the legal Fraternity.
Because he was a true national hero and a true lawyer.
He pointed out without hesitation where there was a mistake and where a correction was needed.
He led the country in the path of fairness.
He was never confused by public opinion but stood resolute behind the law.
He was demonised for upholding the law but he remembered the excruciating pain of the liberation struggle.
He was patient amid great suffering, calm amid the transforming processes that were taking place in the country.
No word of passion or complaint fell from his lips. He was tormented for making legal decisions and not political ones. He was arrested but they found no case against him.
He was forgetful of himself but very solicitous of the comfort and happiness of his country and welfare of the people.
He realised that law was not only a profession but life itself.
Nemadire was a powerful force in the face of justice. He joined the ministry of justice in 1992. He brushed shoulders with the great legal minds ever to grace Zimbabwe’ s ministry of Justice. Nemadire was trained in Russia and joined the prosecution department together with team Madzedze, the late Stephen Musona, the great prosecutors ever to grace our courts like Joseph Jagada. Joseph Mabeza and Chipo Muronda all Russian trained. When he came to Rotten Row. Harare Magistrates court they mingled with finest lawyers of the time like Denford Madekufamba, Senzeni Ndebele Kamuriwo, Mr Mamvura the great Never Katiyo now the Director legal in the ministry of Trade and Commerce. The likes of Dr MASIMBA Mavaza the Swaziland trained lawyer. The justice system could not have been enough without mentioning the very strict prosecutor Rex Shana the short man. Brian Vito the smiling assassin Andrew Muvirimi the great. There was the likes of Andrew Phiri the tall one. Nemadire brushed his legal mind with people like Vambe Chiperesa, Mkwesha, Makupi Mr Murombedzi Makoto ,Chimbare , Florence Ziyambi, Mrs Mabhiza ,Maxwel Mhuri, mukoma, Tokwe Kennedy Mhofu Mpomba, Jenifa Tanyanyiwa, the most beautiful Florence Jambwa, Chirumbidzo Mabuwa ,Vimbai Nyemba the list will not be complete without mentioning Thabani Mpofu the menacing one, Jasper Matimbe and Goba the hard hearted one.
There were very fine leaders in the prosecution who fine tune team Nemadire these were Bvunbe the SPP silver Chikonzo the late Joseph Mate Sheillah Kanyangarara the late forceful Jacqueline Chin’ono. Enviolata Muyaruka and Viola Chasi the wife to former minister Chibabest Fortune Chasi. This was a team like no other with Heather Mupita. It will take me the whole day to show you the kind of shoulders Nemadire brushed and changed.
Nemadire was tormented for doing his job. Arrested for making a legal judgement. Stressed for sacrificing for his country but he did not behave like a small boy motivated by power and greed.
He loved his country.
Like all good men, his bold decisions made him friends and enemies in equal measure.
He did not compromise the law as he delivered and ‘erred’ on the side of the law. He played by the book even though some did not see the book.
Faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges he was patient, calm, courageous and wise.
The people of Zimbabwe attribute the safety of the nation and liberty itself to women and men like the late Morgan Nemadire.
The longest serving legal officer Nemadire was. As a magistrate Great lawyers like Ashton Musunga,Tawanda Chitapi, Muganhu Wilson Manase, Samukange, mukoma George, the late Chikumbirike, the great Chirunda and Chihambakwe Muswe, Mambara the late Muganhu the up coming Motsi the smiling Webster Chinamora the toothless Madzivanzira to name but a few, learnt great lessons from this fountain of legal ethics.
He gave a ruling which earned him friends and enemies.
He took a bold and brave stance when he defied all odds and ruled on the side of the people, the side of the law.
When the bench was infested with people who were bent on reversing the gains of independence, he stood up for the people.
When the justice system was being manipulated to protect a few, he ensured right prevailed over wrong.
By his labour, skill and valour, the country has been established on a permanent foundation and the people saved from a state of anarchy and bloodshed.
The hero whom we this day, with tears and lamentations, consign to the grave received very little recognition. He is not the only one but many lawyers are left in the cold yet they created the warmth.
As time advances, the worth of his great services to his country and mankind will be more clearly seen and highly appreciated. Coming generations will rise up and bless the gallant soldier for his fortunate birth.
He who gained eternal laurels in defence of the black populace, the Government and liberty; who made this and all succeeding ages his debtors, was simple in his tastes, unaffected and unostentatious in his manners, confiding and tender in spirit, inflexible in integrity and of iron will; one of the most remarkable lawyers of his age.
During the thunder of battle, when immense interests were at stake, he was calm and undaunted, never doubting victory.
Appearing before him was a cleansing ceremony.
Unkind or disparaging words were strangers to his lips.
He had a soul too lofty and magnanimous, even in the hours of supreme exultation and victory to utter one word of humiliation to a friend. Nemadire respected all. He was a soft calm and cool giant.
Let him sleep in the nation’s heart, embalmed in a country’s love.
As the eye of coming generations turns back to pay its tribute to the gallant and great, it will see most prominent in that hero an emancipated and disenthralled race and a regenerated country is his monument.
The respect for lawyers and those fighting in the legal trenches and legal battles must learn from Morgan Nemadire. The gentle giant. We must always remember that Justice was his life.
Its freedom is his epitaph.
Its prosperity, its peace and its happiness is his everlasting memorial.
It was not fame or ambition, but it was the inspiration of sacred duty that made him fearless and invincible.
He executed the great work assigned him with humility, with remarkable fidelity and courage.
No other lawyer, in modern times, has accomplished so much and claimed so little as the heroic Morgan Nemadire.
When his great work was consummated he claimed no honour, displayed no pride or ostentation, exhibited no resentment or malice, but the most exalted spirit of philanthropy and charity.
his sufferings and his triumphs on earth end, and we all proclaim: “Well done faithful servant, may your work not be in vain!”
Fare thee well Cde! Fare thee well Musharukwa.