By Dr Masimba Mavaza

Jonathan Moyo mocks the Vice President Chiwenga.
In a Twitter trail Jonathan Moyo was asked to give his wisdom and comment on the appointment of Chiwenga as the minister of Health. Moyo responded by saying the government cannot afford to lose the general now. Jonathan Moyo said the VP was told that no soldier will die of Corona anymore since he is the only one who will be allowed to sign CORONA out. In other words Jonathan Moyo was suggesting that the vice president is a moron who believes that those getting Corona are given it by the government.

Jonathan Moyo’s Tweet comes soon after the narative he has been peddling around suggesting that Comrade Perrance Shiri and all army personnel who died in the last few days, have been deliberately infected with COVID.
THIS shallow thinking by the devil of spin Jonathan Moyo is meant to cause confusion.
Dr Chiwenga is a wise man and his work shows his wisdom. Cde Chiwenga has sourced thousands of dollars worth of PPEs to fight the virus. Cde Chiwenga understands the impact and effects of the Corona and can only laugh at the comments of Jonathan Moyo.
Jonathan Moyo has been attacking the Vice President cde Chiwenga since time memorial.
He activated a dedicated attack on the credentials of the Vice president while Jonathan was the minister of information. Zimbabwe would remember when Jonathan engaged war with the army and he was using the Herald and the chronicle.
It has always been Jonathan’s Moyo purpose to bring the Vice President down. His personal hatred for anyone from Mashonaland came to light when he even took his fight from Chiwenga to ED to George Charamba. He misled Mrs Mugabe the former first lady to believe that she was under attack from the army.
Jonathan Moyo had earlier on stated that he will destroy ZANU PF from within. Having failed his mission he now finds it funny to insult the honourable Vice President.
The appointment of cde Chiwenga to thee ministry of health shows that the president is taking the war against COVID Seriously. This is a war appointment because we are at war with the COVID 19. This appointment shows the seriousness of the Zimbabwean president against the virus. Leadership is not judged by how you pronounce words. Cde Chiwenga might pronounce some words in a way peculiar to him this does not reflect on his leadership skills.
The comments by Jonathan Moyo are childish and in bad test.