YOUR TIME IS UP! Stand down gracefully from Zimbabwe politics at once!

Nomazulu Thata|You have become irrelevant to the politics of Zimbabwe Runaida Mujuru! Your dignity is on the line; please preserve what you can right now before it is too late. You need to die a hero dear Comrade Runaida Mujuru. You are now and present and in the future painfully irrelevant to Zimbabwe politics. You lost it long back the past 34 years: you will never win back what you lost years ago by whatever means. You have credentials to guard upon enviously: military and politically. Musarasazvese Mainini Joyi! The times they are changing: have changed for the younger generation to take over from where we did not get it correct.
This is the moment where we think we have failed and we must pass on the baton to the next generation: our children and grand children. We must learn to swallow our pride dear Runaida. We must tell ourselves that we have aged. The politics of today is not of our age but younger generations. What you are doing with Rugare Gumbo and Didymus Mutasa is out of this world. Murikizvinyadzisa pamberi peZanu PF. Ko hamunyare here nhai nhai? Ini pachangu ndazokunyarirayi zvekuti, because what you are doing zvinonyadzisa zvachose! You need to stop it at once: all of you put together; Mutasa, Gumbo and Margaret Dongo. You all have farms to make use of and produce so that we have food securities in our country; what then do you want in politics at your ages?
Was your expulsion in Zanu PF not embarrassing enough? You continue to embarrass yourselves pamberi pe Zanu kuti igokusekai full time! This is a mess of a situation. Take yourselves out of this nonsense by leaving politics for the younger generation.
Amai Mujuru, please you are no longer relevant in this political discourse: me too. The global politics has changed dramatically, it needs the younger generation of Evan Mawarire’s age; Nelson Chamisa, your own Prosper Gavanga, Thulani Nkala, Mbonisi Gumbo and all those young politicians in our political landscape: all these young people who are in the political limelight can move Zimbabwe to dizzy heights.
Whether we want it or not the only way out of the whole national mess is to give them the space to take this country Zimbabwe to another level. We must concede defeat; we failed, we must acknowledge this failure so that we move on. We cannot be talking about hondo ye Chimurenga in 2017. No Amai Mujuru those days passed and you cannot, never recapture lost glories. You were relevant when you were in Mozambican camps back then, in the government for 34 years but not now. Did you not enjoy power for those big years in the government?
We have Trump as President of USA and not Barack Obama. We have Theresa May as Prime Minister of the UK and not Margaret Thatcher. We have Angela Merkel and not Helmut Kohl, we have Vladimir Putin and not Leonid Brezhnev: we have President Lungu and not President Kenneth Kaunda, we have John Magufuli and not Dr. Julius Mwalimu Nyerere; we have youthful hopeful Comrade Julius Malema and not Nelson Mandela. Where do you fit in with these current politicians Amai Mujuru? You are far from their current thinking and you will never capture the prevailing moods.
What is your relevance in all these global crop of leadership dear Runaida Mujuru? What politics can you tell them and they will listen to you? The answer is none whatsoever! Do not replicate Kaddafi of Libya who clung on to power even if all signs were telling that his time is over. Please do not give anybody a chance to remove you violently like Kaddafi, your military credentials are well worth to respect and preserve them at all cost. Please do not lose them carelessly because of love and lust of political power.You should know by now that you lost it long back you will never get it again by whatever means.
But you worked with Zanu PF for 34 years and you know the devil we are fighting at the present moment. The monster is a monster as you know it. Do not waste time with those little fightings with Mutasa and Rugare Gumbo. Those are not worth even mentioning: the main enemy is Zanu PF. You were part of it and you know how enormous this monster is.
Why are you wasting time, telling all and sundry that Rugare and Mutasa are Zanu PF agents? Who is going to listen to that rubbish nhai amainini Joyi! Mutasa and Rugare can never be Zanu PF agents better than you dear Runaida. If Rugare is an agent of Zanu PF so are you too but double: you are a CIO agent we know this too from many sources. You will never remove yourself from that organisation either than death you know this! You are all baked of the same flour and baking powder with Mutasa and Gumbo. It is a pity you lost it you were kicked out of the party and you never voluntarily left the party. You can never talk a different politics from Zanu PF and we shall at no time listen to you and believe you: never.
Going for elections is a forgone disaster for your party Zim PF. Even after being kicked out of Zanu PF you still believed in Robert Mugabe as your Father and Mentor for a long time. You thought he was going to call you back, it did not happen. Do not tell us cheap politics Runaida, we are very intelligent and too educated a people as you know all graduates from most Zimbabwe Universities have credible degrees and not forged by any means like the First Lady Grace Mugabe: you do not show any signs that you command a doctorate degree either. (This is not my topic today to split and question your academic credentials but your political credentials are questionable indeed).
You said you want to be the bridge of the NTA: but that NTA is to be an administration done by academic experts only and never by politicians. You do not qualify to be in the NTA transition by whatever means. In the transition we need the Strife Masiyiwas, Nkosana Moyos, Professor Rudo Gaidzanwa: such like academic personalities who will be able to execute duties in a professional way: Those ambassadors will not execute political decisions but expert decisions in preparations for the free and fair elections. Dear Runaida, you cannot be part of this group because you are from a political party that rules you off from being part of the NTA group.
Runaida Joice Teurai Ropa Mujuru: your time is up, please go and rest with your grand children.
What you and me should do now is to identify young potential politicians in our societies, we pass on the baton in a dignified manner and tell them to love our country and guard against all evil it may befall a country. Let’s swallow our pride and approach young politicians like Nelson Chamisa, Evan Mawarire, Simba Makoni, Mbonisi Gumbo, Sibangilizwe Nkomo, Thokozile Mkwananzi, Tsitsi Dangarebga, Christopher Mlalazi, Noviolet Bulawayo, Sandra Ndebele, Mbikokayise Mpofu : all those young dynamic hopefuls in our societies to come forward and change our world for the better. If they are short of the qualities we want we shall mentor them and they will deliver better than we did.